Tag: Loans

Posted on 04/30/2023
Financing a Flip: The Best Funding Options
Financing a new home purchase is a common subject among potential homebuyers and lenders. However, if you want to flip a home by enhancing an existing property and selling it for a profit, you may also require funding. Luckily, there are financing options for flipping homes if you know where to look. Here are some basic tips for...
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Posted on 05/16/2021
How Much To Put Down When Building a House
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels Most people who decide to build a new house plan on financing the construction via one of the multiple financing options available. However, the size of the down payment depends on what type of loan is taken out for the project. The following is a breakdown of what different loan programs commonly...
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Posted on 06/09/2019
3 Reasons Your Mortgage Application Can Be Rejected
A wise man once said to hope for the best, but plan for the worst. When you’re contemplating buying a house, even before beginning the actual application itself, it’s helpful to consider what could possibly lead to its rejection. This is especially important if you’ll be applying for your home loan at a traditional bank. These are particularly...
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Posted on 04/21/2019
What You Need to Know About a Reverse Mortgage
Many times, advertisements create a false impression about reverse mortgages. Marketing depicts them as a simple, cheap way by which older homeowners can finance their retirement. It is critical to understand how reverse mortgages work because failure to do so might harm your financial future. Studies show that many homeowners do not have a proper understanding of reverse...
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