How To Survive Hurricane Season While Keeping Your Property Value

by Bob Jackson 09/01/2019

So many people face two choices when it comes to natural disasters. Do you stay in your home to protect it, or do you evacuate with your family? Whether or not they like it, the truth of the matter is that nobody has to face their problems alone if they only know how to plan.

If you are a homeowner, making this decision is harder because you need to keep your property protected while at the same time you have to keep an eye on your family.

When faced with a dilemma during a hurricane you will be thankful if you follow these tips to help you survive.

First, invest in a backup power generator. While you may be safely tucked up at home, the electricity may go out. So, you would end up not having any communication lines open, or power to run essential services. This situation is worse if you use well water as the pump will not work.

If you have a backup power generator, you will not have to walk in the dark. Just keep your family in one room and make sure you have enough fuel to last for a week's worth of time running your generator. Have the generator properly installed by an electrician so that noxious fumes cannot enter the home and the power doesn't flow back into the grid causing problems for utilities personnel.

You can market your generator as one that comes with the house while it continues to protect property values.

Second, keep survival supplies at all times. A supply bag that lasts for three days to one week should be enough for you and your family. The kit should comprise your much-needed supplies and medications as listed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The necessities should be available as well such as snacks and foods that do not require cooking, and a comprehensive first aid kit.  

You should also keep the following items in a waterproof bag: 

- Flashlight; 

- Potable water;

- Change of clothes made up of layering materials;

- Batteries;

- Manual or solar phone charger; and

- The first aid kit.

While this kit does not necessarily increase or protect your property value, they are necessary for your survival.

Finally, maintain your insurance coverage always up to date. The best way to protect your property is to have a backup plan when a horrible hurricane hits it, and the backup plan is insurance.

Now that you know some tips that would help you survive a hurricane while keeping your property value, keep in mind that you should always prepare for anything. Ask a real estate professional today to help you plan for whatever weather system you have to face.

About the Author

Bob Jackson

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